61. Yen is the currency of:
(A) France
(B) Denmark
(C) Italy
(D) Sweden
62. if A completes a lob in 20 min and B In 30 mins, If they do the same job together how much time will they take?
(A) 15
(B) 20
(C) 25
(D) 12
63. Which of the following districts of Balochistan contains huge deposits of Copper:
(A) Loralal
(B) Sibbl
(C) Khuzdar
(D) Chaghl
64. Kachura Lake Is situated In:
(A) Gilgit
(B) Kaghan Valley
(C) Baltlstan
(D) None of these
65. Patella Is present in?
(A) Skull
(B) Thorax
(C) Knee
(D) Elbow
66. Working boundary Is a boundary between
(A) Indian Held Kashmir and Azad Kashmir
(B) India and Pakistan
(C) Indian Held Kashmir and Pakistan
(D) Azad Kashmir and Pakistan
67. What does RAM In a computer stand for?
(A) Read and Memorize
(B) Random Access Memory
(C) Random Access Module
(D) Random Access Modem
68. URL Is an abbreviation of:
(A) Uniform Room Locator
(B) Universal Resource Locator
(C) Universal Room Locator
(D) Uniform Resource Locator
69. Wife of Bill Gates is the CEO of Gates Foundation, what is name of her wife?
(A) Ivana
(B) Melinda
(C) Milana
(D) None of these
70. The length of Siachen Glacier is _ mile.
(A) 56
(B) 47
(C) 49
(D) None of these
Good work.Go ahead and keep it up..