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Numerical Analysis Multiple Choice Questions Answers

NA MCQs 01 consist of 68 multiple choice questions. These multiples are very important for all kinds of tests. So attempt these questions to get better results.

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This page consist of mcq on numerical methods with answers , mcq on bisection method, numerical methods objective, multiple choice questions on interpolation, mcq on mathematical methods of physics, multiple choice questions on , ,trapezoidal rule , computer oriented statistical methods mcq and mcqs of gaussian elimination method
We study Numerical Analysis for the preparation of mathematics for the purpose of M.Phil Math, P.hD math, EDUCATORS, LECTURER, SS, SSS, PPSC, FPSC tests. our team try ourselves best to touch every topic of Numerical Analysis to provide concept at all.

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1. The error in Simpson’s rule when approximating \dpi{120} \small \int_{1}^{3} \frac{dx}{x} is less than


2. The fixed iterative method has ________ converges


3. The Newton-Raphson method  fails if in the neighborhood of root


4. The formula \dpi{120} \small \int_{x_o}^{x_o + nh} f(x)dx=h[ny_o+\frac{n^2}{2}\Delta y_o+\frac{1}{2}(\frac{n^3}{3}-\frac{n^2}{2})\Delta^2 y_o+ \frac{1}{6}(\frac{n^4}{4}-n^3+n^2)\Delta^2 y_o+...] is known as


5. Every square matrix can be expressed as product of lower triangular and unit upper triangular matrix _________ method based on this fact


6. The root of \dpi{120} \small x^4 -x-10=0 by using Newton-Raphson 2nd approximation correct answer up to three decimal places is


7. The value of \dpi{120} \small \int_{1}^{10} x^2 using Trapezoidal rule is


8. By v using iterative process \dpi{120} \small x_{n+1}=\frac{1}{2}(x_o + \frac{N}{x_n}), the positive square root of 102 correct to four decimal places is


9. In simpson 1/3 rule, if the interval is reduced by 1/3 rd then the truncation error is reduced to


10. Which of the followong is modefication of Guass-Jocobi method


11. The order of convergence of iteration method is


12. Numerical solutions of linear algebraic equations can be obtained by


13. Which of the following is the modification of Guass Elimination method


14. To evaluate \dpi{120} \small \int_{0}^{1} f(x) dx approximately  which of the following method is used  when the value of f(x) is given only at \dpi{120} \small x=0,\frac{1}{3},\frac{2}{3}, 0


15. The smallest +ve root of \dpi{120} \small x^3-5x+3=0  lies between


16. By using Newton-Raphson method  the root b/w 0 and 1  by first approx. of \dpi{120} \small x^3-6x+4=0 is


17. By solving \dpi{120} \small x^2-2x-4=0 for x near 3 using iterative process , the correct answer up to three decimal places is


18. Newton-Raphson method to solve equation having formula


19. Round off error occurers when 2.987654 is rounded off up to 5 significant digits is


20. The number of significant figures in 0.021444 is


21. The process of convergence in iterative method is faster than in


22. \dpi{120} \small sin x + e^x is


23. In Simpson’s 1/3 rule , curve of y= f(x) is considered to be a


24. The error in Simpson’s 1/3 rule is of order of


25. By using Simpson’s rule, the value of integral \dpi{120} \small \int_{0}^{1} \frac{1}{1+x^2}dx==


26. Using bisection method , the real roots of \dpi{120} \small x^3 -9x+1=0 between x=2 and x=4 is near to


27. The equation \dpi{120} \small x^3 - log_{10}x + sin x =0 is known as


28. To find the roots of equation f(x) , Newton’s Iterative formula is


29. The rate of convergence of Guass-Seidal is twice that of


30. The rate of convergence of bisection method is


31. Newton’s method has ____________ convergence


32. The error in Trapezoidal rule is of order of


33. The equation \dpi{120} \small x^2 +3x+1=0 is known as


34. Bisection method is also known as


35. Relaxation method is known as


36. Newton’s method fails to find the root of f(x)=0 if


37. The symbol used for shift operator


38. Simpson’s rule was exact when applied to any polynomial of


39. By using False position method , the 2nd approximation of root of f(x)=0 is



  1. If \dpi{120} \small \frac{5}{6} ≅ 0.8333 then percentage error is __________ %

41. By using iterative process  \dpi{120} \small x_{n+1}=\frac{1}{2}(x_n + \frac{N}{x_n}), the positive root of 278 to five significant figures is


42. The number of significant digits in 8.00312


43. If \dpi{120} \small f(x_n).f(x_{n-1})<0, then compute New iteration \dpi{120} \small x_{n+1} when lies b/w


44. Method of factorization is also known as


45. The roots of equation \dpi{120} \small x^3-x-9=0 near x= 2 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson method


46. The method of successive approximation is known as


47. Sum of roots of equation \dpi{120} \small x^3 - 7x^2+14x-8=0 is


48. The rate of convergence of secant method is


49. The % error in approximating \dpi{120} \small \frac{4}{3} by 1.33 is ________%


50. which method is known as Regula-Falsi method


51. The Approximate value of \dpi{120} \small \int_{0}^{1} x^3 dx when n=3 using Trapezoidal rule is


52. The fixed point iteration method defined as \dpi{120} \small x_{n+1}=g(x_n) converges if


53. The symbol used for backward difference operator


54. To solve \dpi{120} \small x^3 -x-9=0  for x near 2 ,with Newton’s method, the correct answer up to three decimal places is


55. Newton Raphson Formula is derived from


56. Which of the following is iterative method


57. The Regula False method is somewhat similar to


58. To find the root of equation f(x)=0  in (a,b) , the false position method is given as


59. To solve \dpi{120} \small x^2 - x -2=0 by Newton-Raphson method  we choose \dpi{120} \small x_o=1, then value of \dpi{120} \small x_2 is


60. The symbol used for  forward diffefence operator is


61. The method of false position is also known as


62. Gauss- Serial iterative method is used to solve


63. The number of significant figures in 48.710000


64. By using False position 2nd approximation of \dpi{120} \small x^2-x-1=0 is


65. Relative error = ?


66. The False position 2nd approximation of \dpi{120} \small x^3-9x+1=0 between 2 and 4 is


67. The symbol used for average operator


68. By using Newton-Raphson method to solve \dpi{120} \small \sqrt{12}, the correct answer up to three decimal places is


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